10 September 2010

Lego + Camera = ???

Remember those days when you have tons of Lego blocks and you made whatever things that come to your mind. Guns, animals, buildings... You know what you did with your Lego blocks. Decades down memory lane, you start to go into gadgets like cameras, phones, music players, games etc... What if someone/some companies decide to make a gadget out of toys?

Welcome Pentax Optio NB1000. Pentax decided to merge Lego with their Optio series of cameras, bringing a new meaning to the word "toy camera". I would say this is a pretty cool idea, but definitely not the first, since ndroo decorated one Holga with Lego blocks back in 2008. But nonetheless, I still love the Optio NB1000. Seems like it's going to be one hell-of-a-fun camera! I never had the luxury to play with Lego when I was young (I'm actually getting old now considering how often my muscles ache). So I'd definitely welcome this new "toy" into my "family". But subjected to my girlfriend's and mum's approval. I've been acquiring too many cameras nowadays... Need to have the "toy"'s passport stamped by these two authorities before they can be added to my (small) collection. But I wouldn't mind it as a birthday gift... *evil laughter* This way, I don't have to get the "passport" stamped...

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